Course curriculum

    1. Why JPA?

    2. How To Learn

    3. Object Relational Mapping

    4. Hibernate vs JPA

    5. How JPA works and its advantages

    1. Setting Up

    2. Setting Up H2 Database server

    3. New Maven project and adding dependencies

    4. Creating a persistence context + Creating a model class

    5. Persisting Entities with Entity Manager

    6. Understanding Persistence XML

    1. Entity Annotations Unit Intro

    2. @Table and @Column customizations

    3. Temporal, Date and other data types

    4. Dealing with Enumerations

    5. Transient

    6. Primary Key

    1. Examining hbm2ddl options

    2. Entity read operation with JPA

    3. Update operation with JPA

    4. Deleting an Entity

    1. Creating the second entity

    2. Modeling a One-to-One relationship

    3. Fetching and Fetch Types

    4. Relationship directionality and mappedBy

    5. OneToMany and ManyToOne

    6. Reverse relationship with OneToMany

    7. Why Have Cyclical Relationships?

    8. Using JoinColumn

    9. Many To Many relationship

    10. FetchType for ManyToMany

    11. Customizing JoinTable and JoinColumns

    12. Updating relationships with JPA

    13. Deletes and cascades with relationship mappings

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 54 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

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