Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Why Lambdas

    3. Dev setup

    4. Functional vs Object Oriented Programming

    5. Passing Behavior in OOP

    6. Introducing Lambda Expressions

    7. Lambda Expression Examples

    8. Lambda as interface type

    9. Lambdas vs Interface Implementations

    10. Type Inference

    11. Runnable Using Lambdas

    12. Functional Interface

    13. Lambda Exercise

    14. Lambda Exercise Solution

    1. Using Function Interfaces

    2. More Functional Interfaces

    3. Exception Handling in Lambdas

    4. An Exception Handling Approach

    5. Closures in Lambda Expressions

    6. The this reference in lambdas

    1. Method References

    2. The foreach iteration

    3. Introduction To Streams

    4. More About Streams

    5. Wrap Up

    1. Source Code

About this course

  • Free
  • 26 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content