Course curriculum

    1. 02.Software development and global prerequisites

    2. 03.From bare metal to VMs

    3. 04.Virtual Machines

    4. 05.What we really need from a container

    5. 06.chroot

    6. 07.Namespaces and cgroups

    1. 08.What is Docker?

    2. 09.Docker on non-Linux OS

    3. 10.Audience Q&A

    4. Installing Docker on Mac

    5. 11.What are images?

    6. 12.Audience Q&A

    7. 13.Creating containers from images

    8. 14.Audience Q&A

    9. 15.Examining containers in Docker Desktop

    10. 16.Audience Q&A

    11. 17.Docker CLI recap and revision

    1. 18.Running Java without installing Java

    2. 19.Running NodeJS without installing NodeJS

    3. 20.Audience Q&A

    4. 21.Images vs containers

    5. 22.Managing running containers

    6. 23.Audience Q&A

    7. 24.Detach from and attach to running containers

    8. 25.Running a MySQL server using Docker

    9. 26.Mounting a host folder using Docker volume

    10. 27.Running persistent MySQL server with volume mount

    11. 28.Simple Java development workflow with Docker

    12. 29.Managing Docker volumes

    13. 30.Port mapping with Docker containers

    14. 31.Web application development workflow with Docker

    1. 32.Docker architecture

    2. 33.Docker images and layers

    3. 34.Creating images with docker commit

    4. 35.The golden image problem

    1. 36.Creating an image with Dockerfile

    2. 37.The RUN and WORKDIR commands

    3. 38.The CMD command

    4. 39.COPY command and the Java workflow

    5. 40.Shell and exec forms

    6. 41.ENTRYPOINT vs CMD commands

    7. 42.Common Dockerfile commands

    8. 43.How Docker build works

    9. 44.Distribute a Spring Boot in a Docker container

    1. 45.Docker networking

    2. 46.Docker networking demo

    3. 47.Docker network types

    4. 48.Creating and using bridge networks

About this course

  • $75.99
  • 52 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content